Interview with Dr Wayne Todd

Practitioner-Wayne-ToddDr Wayne Todd is a passionate and successful chiropractor based in Sale, Victoria, Australia.  Together with his wife, Dr Angela Todd he runs 9 practices in Victoria and with another business partner they run a chain of clinics in Queensland as well.  Wayne chats about how he built his own successful practice and gives new and older chiropractors some great tips of getting going and keeping the passion for practice alive.

Dr Todd is also the author of a new book on treating sympathetic dominance in practice.  With his background in neurology and many years of practice experience it’s sure to be a great read.  You can download the first chapter for free here.

How Healthy is Your Practice?

Measuring your practice's growth is vitalAs practitioners we encourage our patients to take regular health checkups, and hopefully do the same for ourselves, but how often do we take the time to do a check up on the health of our practice?  It need not be as difficult as it sounds.  With 3 just numbers from your practice and 3 simple calculations you can do a health check on your practice.

In this episode we discuss exactly how to go about doing a checkup on your practice, giving you the steps and what the numbers can mean for you.  Take a listen now.

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Resources mentioned in the episode.

iconpractice clinic software

This episode is the audio of a blog post on Clear Health Media’s blog.  Click here for the text.

Business Structures for Your Practice

Your Practice Business StructureDetermining the right business structure for your practice is important from a tax and liability perspective.  In this episode of practiceDNA we interview Shane Macfarlane from  Shane is an accountant with many years of experience and he guides us through the 4 main types of business structure that you can consider.  While this episode relates to Australian law, many common law countries have similar structures so listeners from these countries will find the episode to be of benefit as well.

Determining the correct business structure for you has many implications including tax, personal liability and you ability to sell the business down the track.  While you should always seek your own professional advice, Shane gives an excellent overview of the four main ways you can structure your business so as to legally minimise your tax and reduce your personal liability in the event that your practice is sued.  While none of us like to consider the possibility of being sued, taking some steps now can save a lot of stress and heartache in the future.

So take a listen to the episode and let us know what you think.  Do you have any further questions that Shane may be able to answer?  Leave a comment or question below.


Shane Macfarlane
1300 794 490 (within Australia)

Start Up Cash – Making Best Use of Your Start Up Capital

All businesses have one thing in common – they need cash!  Healthcare practices are no different.  You need capital on hand to buy the equipment you need to start your practice, and you’ll need money to keep things going while you build your patient base.  In this episode of practiceDNA we look at the different ways you can fund your practice as you are starting out.  We then discuss the best way to put the money to work in your business.  Listen to the episode to discover more.

Already listened?  Leave us a comment or question below.  We’d love to hear from you.

8 Reasons Why You SHOULDN’T Start Your Own Practice

Choosing Yes or No About Starting Your Practice

Starting your own practice isn’t something to be entered into lightly.  And while we are all for people starting a business (that’s the whole point of this podcast!), we hate to see people trapped by a decision that they have discovered wasn’t right for them.  In this episode we discuss some of the challenges you’ll face and things you’ll have to learn if you start your own practice – just so you know what you’re getting yourself in for!

So listen to this episode now and let us know what you think using the comments section below.

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