How Can You Be Sure You’re Self-Employed?

Self-Employed ChecklistAfter listening to our first episode you may have decided that being self-employed is the way for you to go.  You have to be sure though that you meet certain criteria in order to be considered self-employed by authorities such as the tax office.  In this episode we review those criteria, and offer advice on how best to ensure you don’t get caught in the trap of thinking that you are self-employed while actually being an employee.

Employed or Self-employed? From both the employee and practice owner’s perspective.

Employed vs self-employed can be a difficult decision

In this first episode of practice DNA we give a quick overview of the show’s aim (to help you setup, build and run your own practice) and future topics we’re going to cover on the podcast.  We then look at self employed and employed status from both the employee and practice owner’s perspective, and discuss which is right for you.  Either listen now or download the podcast by right clicking and selecting “Save As” on the link below.

Be sure to subscribe to the show in iTunes to get the latest episode delivered straight to your ear buds.  Questions, comments?  Leave a comment below.

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