Your Practice Business Plan

Your Practice Business PlanBusiness plans can either be an asset or a liability.  Often times the figures contained in the plan are little more than guesswork and in the dynamic world of a new practice startup circumstances can often change rendering the plan obsolete. However if you are applying for funding your lender will require you to have one.  In this episode we look in detail at a business plans providing real world examples.  Subscribers also get access to the sample documents.

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Start Up Cash – Making Best Use of Your Start Up Capital

All businesses have one thing in common – they need cash!  Healthcare practices are no different.  You need capital on hand to buy the equipment you need to start your practice, and you’ll need money to keep things going while you build your patient base.  In this episode of practiceDNA we look at the different ways you can fund your practice as you are starting out.  We then discuss the best way to put the money to work in your business.  Listen to the episode to discover more.

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