Generating New Patients Through Google Adwords – The Definitive Guide

google-adwords-bannerIn this episode, your host Matthew Holmes gives a detailed overview of Google Adwords and the things you need to consider when using it to advertise your practice.  In a break from our usual format the full transcript is available below.

Our sponsor Clear Health Media, in conjunction with Google is offering a bonus $100 credit when you spend $25 in a new Adwords account. Click here to book one of their Strategy Sessions and claim your bonus now.


Welcome to the practicedna Podcast where we interview leaders in the chiropractic profession about what excites them and what has helped make their practice great. Practicedna is brought to you by Clear Health Media your source for automated solutions for ethically patient generation, patient retention and increasing your practice revenue, visit that teaches you how to setup, build and run your own practice.

Hi Matthew Holmes here with another episode of Practice DNA. Today we are going to break from our usual format of interviewing another chiropractor and getting their feedback because I am just going to do a quickly run through a little bit about Google Adwords and Adwords advertising because that has come up a little bit recently with various practitioners that I have been speaking to and there seems to be quite a bit misconceptions amongst chiropractors about what they can achieve and how it works and so forth. Continue reading Generating New Patients Through Google Adwords – The Definitive Guide…

Choose Your Practice’s Focus

Target patient groupsIf you have decided to start your own practice, you may be tempted to run off and start looking for premises, designing logos etc. At that point though it pays to stop and spend some time planning your business.  One of the first things you need to do is decide do you want a general practice, or are you going to focus on a particular patient group or disorder?  This can guide many of the decisions that you need to make such as practice location, marketing and business name.  Listen to the podcast to find out more.

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