How To Take Your Message To A Wider Audience

Leandra_CosmohippyEver dreamed of publishing your own book and taking your healthcare message to a wider audience?  In this episode of practiceDNA we are privileged to interview Dr Leandra Brady-Walker, Chiropractor.  Leandra is a dynamic, motivated individual who created a very successful chiropractic practice with her husband in Darwin, Australia, before going on to publish two books.

Her brand Cosmopolitan Hippy, champions the concept that women can look fantastic and enjoy life without having to resort to unhealthy lifestyles, and things such a toxic cosmetics.  Her first book “Cosmopolitan Hippy” focuses on making a change to a healthier lifestyle a breeze.  Her second book “Eat Like a Cosmopolitan Hippy” gives practical advice on enjoying food while avoiding the things that will compromise your health.

Leandra gives us a lot of practical advice on defining your ideal practice, how to publish your own book and the importance of mindset and a support network just to name a few.  Enjoy!


Cosmopolitan Hippy website 

Poker, Practice and the Future of Chiropractic

twc_anthonycoxon1-210x210In this episode of practiceDNA we are super lucky to have Dr Anthony Coxon.  Dr Coxon is a chiropractor in private practice in Camberwell in Melbourne, as well as the current President of the Victorian Branch of the Chiropractors Association of Australia.

Anthony talks to us about the challenges that the chiropractic profession faces as well as the opportunities.  He gives some great tips for new graduates and more experienced chiropractors and share a great story about the chiropractor he worked with who went on to win $10 million at poker.


The BackChat podcast which Dr Coxon co-hosts with Dr Paul Bergamo

Interview With Dr Jacob Brady-Walker

IMG_4691-e1327386083848Dr Jacob Brady-Walker is a chiropractor in private practice in Darwin, Australia, as well as the creator of the upcoming Quantum Chiropractic series featuring leaders such as Dr John Demartini, Dr Josh Wagner and many more.

In this episode Jacob discusses the unique path that got him to where he is today, as well as the drive to do something bigger that inspired him to gather together some of the greatest chiropractic minds for his Quantum Chiropractic series.

To find out more about Quantum Chiropractic click here.



Quantum Chiropractic

The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich (Expanded and Updated)

The Tim Ferriss Podcast

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